The purpose of this survey is to better understand primary care providers' experience with rare cancers, including inflammatory breast cancer, as well as the impact of COVID-19 and tele-health on your practice. Your responses are confidential. By clicking "Next" to continue, you are agreeing to participate in the research. You may stop the survey at any time. If you wish your survey answers to be removed from our database, please contact the study coordinator with this request.
First, some questions about you.
Are you a primary care provider?
* must provide value
What is your role?
* must provide value
Nurse Practitioner/Certified Nurse Midwife
Physician Assistant
Physician (MD, DO)
Prefer not to answer
Are you currently enrolled in a residency training?
* must provide value
Prefer not to answer
How many years have you been a Primary Care Provider?
* must provide value
< 5
20 or more
Prefer not to answer
What is your specialty?
* must provide value
Internal Medicine
Family Medicine
Prefer not to answer
How many patients do you see per week, on average?
* must provide value
251 or more
Prefer not to answer
What is your main practice setting? (select all that apply)
* must provide value
What is the name of your main practice setting?
8 What is the zip code of your main practice setting?
What is your gender?
* must provide value
Transgender man
Transgender woman
Prefer not to answer
Are you Hispanic or Latino/Latinx?
* must provide value
Prefer not to answer
What is your race? Please check all that apply:
* must provide value
What information on Social Determinants of Health does your practice routinely collect information from patients? Please check all that apply.
* must provide value
How confident do you feel in your ability to identify and diagnose rare cancers?
* must provide value
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Somewhat not confident
Not confident at all
What signs or symptoms would prompt you to test for a rare cancer?
* must provide value
How often have you done tests for rare cancers?
* must provide value
Very frequently
Almost never
When would you do a diagnostic test for rare cancer in your practice?
* must provide value
Before referral to specialty care
After referral to specialty care
At the same time as referral to specialty care
I don't know
Have you ever encountered a rare cancer in your practice?
* must provide value
I'm not sure
How many rare cancers have you encountered in your practice?
Which rare cancers have you encountered in your practice?
When you have encountered a rare cancer patient in your current practice, have you experienced any of the following challenges? Please check all that apply.
* must provide value
Have you received any specialized training or education regarding the identification and management of rare cancers outside your formal academic degree training (e.g., medical school, residency, PA school, APN graduate program)?
* must provide value
I'm not sure
What are the primary sources of information you rely on to stay updated about the latest advancements and symptoms of rare cancers? Please check all that apply.
* must provide value
In your opinion, what additional resources or support would be helpful for primary care providers to improve the identification and management of rare cancers? Please check all that apply.
* must provide value
Please give your best estimate of the number of breast cancer diagnoses among for your patients per year?
* must provide value
Fewer than 5
20 or more
Prefer not to answer
Enter a number (>=0)
Have you ever had a patient that you suspected may have inflammatory breast cancer?
* must provide value
Not sure
Have you ever referred a patient with suspected inflammatory breast cancer to a specialist?
* must provide value
What communication did you have with the specialist about the patient after this referral?
* must provide value
On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all confident and 7 is completely confident, how confident are you that you could identify inflammatory breast cancer in a patient?
* must provide value
1 Not at all confident
7 Completely confident
Prefer not to answer
What other symptoms might lead you to suspect inflammatory breast cancer?
A woman of reproductive age presents with pain and inflammation in her left breast. Her PCP prescribed antibiotics for a potential skin infection or mastitis. If her symptoms do not resolve, what would be the first course of action you would recommend? (Please select one.)
* must provide value
Try a different antibiotic
Refer the patient for breast imaging (e.g., ultrasound, mammogram)
Refer the patient for a PET scan or CT scan
Refer the patient to an oncologist immediately
Refer to breast surgeon/breast center
Do a skin biopsy in PCP office
After discussing the suspected diagnosis and next steps with the patient, where would you likely refer the patient?
* must provide value
Large tertiary care center
Local private specialty clinic
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
Please select the three methods that you would most prefer to learn more about diagnosing and caring for patients with IBC?
[Check three]
* must provide value
Briefly, please tell us why you are not interested in materials about IBC for patients.
Briefly, please tell us why you are not interested in materials about IBC for providers
Prefer not to answer
Could such a program be useful to your practice?
* must provide value
I don't know
Do you perceive that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your patients may have had delayed screenings or presentations for cancer?
* must provide value
Not sure
Prefer not to answer
If you wish to share any additional thoughts about those delays, please do so here.
Since March 2020, what percentage of your visits with patients have been remote or via telemedicine?
* must provide value
< 5%
Prefer not to answer
Since March 2020, have you and your patients experienced any delays in referral to diagnostic imaging for breast cancer?
* must provide value
No, never postponed
Yes, < 5% were delayed
Yes, 5-10% were delayed
Yes, 11-20% were delayed
Yes, 21-30% were delayed
Yes, >30% were delayed
Yes, but I do not know the details
Prefer not to answer
Please share your general impressions of how, if at all, telemedicine affects your ability to diagnose and treat breast cancer patients.
Is there anything else that it is important to understand about your experience as a primary care provider regarding rare cancers like IBC? (max 500 characters)
If you would like more information about IBC or the IBC Consortium , please follow this link
IBC Consortium