Thank you for your interest in applying for the Strong Start Program, which is designed to support the careers of junior faculty who are laboratory-based physician-scientists at Duke. 

BEFORE you complete the following application, you MUST have the following documents ready to upload:

  • An NIH biosketch with other support (including internal funds available to candidate)
  • A research proposal/career development plan (not to exceed three pages) - a written summary of:
    • Past research experience
    • Future research proposal
    • Specific plans to transition to scientifc independence (e.g., securing independent research funding, developing independent scientific program)
  • Letter of reference from your primary department chair, specifying percentage of protected time to pursue laboratory-based research
  • Names and email addresses for two external references (if applicable, former/current mentors or individuals with knowledge of candidate's reearch capabilities; can be from Duke or non-Duke faculty)

Applications are due by October 2, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Physician-Scientist Development at

Thank you!

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