Please complete this request form with your affiliation and project information; it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. DCI-Biostatistics will use the information you provide to assess the specific statistical support needs for your study and to prioritize our resources. Data collected via this request form (and subsequent questionnaire) may also be used for quality improvement studies related to optimizing our processes regarding statistical collaborations within DCI. Any reports of these data will be in aggregate only. After completing this request form, you will receive a confirmation email. You may also receive a questionnaire regarding your interaction with DCI-Biostatistics. This questionnaire will require no more than 2 minutes to complete.

While DCI-Biostatistics is committed to providing high-quality collaborative support for DCI-member led cancer-related projects, we cannot guarantee project completion or turn-around under short timelines. DCI-Biostatistics recommends submitting requests for support as soon as possible. For grant submissions, requests for support should be submitted with sufficient time before the internal submission deadline, which is often several weeks before the funder's submission deadline. For abstract submissions to large or popular conferences (ASCO, ASTRO, SSO, etc.), requests for support will be considered based on request submission date with requests for support submitted closer to the abstract deadline less likely to be fulfilled.

Funding for statistical support should be incorporated into the budgets for all grant submissions, sponsored studies, investigator-initiated trials, trainee-led studies, etc. and actual effort needs will be determined based on the study aims, timeline, and funding mechanism. The statistical team should be consulted before study budgets are finalized to ensure adequate funding is included for statistical support.

Collaborative support should be recognized by including involved statisticians as co-authors on all publications and presentations, including posters, podium presentations, abstracts, and manuscripts.

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