Become a mentor for a clinical research New Hire Cohort! Mentors will manage a Microsoft Teams channel for their assigned cohort and meet with them as a group bi-weekly (twice a month) for at least 30 minutes. These meetings may consist of a networking activity, discussion of recent challenges, and/or chatting about any questions they have. The mentor will meet with their cohort each month for at least 6 months.

Facilitate (teach) a Session for the RPN+ Foundational Topic Series! We will host an RPN+ session each month that focuses on introductory topics helpful to newer clinical research staff. Topics might include things such as effective communication, collaborating with your PI, and SOP writing. These topics are meant to be taught by Clinical Research staff who perform certain functions well. Do you want to highlight your knowledge in an area that you think would be helpful to new clinical research staff and need leadership experience? Volunteer!

Suggest an RPN+ or RPN Topic! Do you not have a specific nominee in mind but want to suggest a topic for a future RPN+ or RPN session? Suggest a topic that you think would be beneficial to new staff in clinical research!

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